Law & Order - Not Politics

Law Enforcement Professional

Gerald Sticker has over a quarter century of experience in law enforcement. As a former patrol officer and Chief of Police, Sticker knows how to successfully lead a department during difficult times of growth. Sticker has the education, training, and professional experience we deserve to lead our Sheriff’s Office.

  • FBI National Academy for Executive Training graduate
  • United States Secret Service Training
  • Conducted operations involving more than 400 officers
  • Decorated military leader with combat zone experience

Sticker's Plan for Tangipahoa

As a former Chief of Police and law enforcement leader, Gerald Sticker knows our growing population requires a professional Sheriff’s Office, fully trained and equipped to face rising crime and other challenges.

  • Increase the number of Deputies on call
  • Decrease response times on 911 calls
  • Recruit more Reserve Sheriff Deputies
  • Provide Deputies with the training, support, and equipment they deserve

Meet Gerald Sticker

Gerald Sticker grew up in Bedico when it was just three churches, a bar, and a little grocery store. At Ponchatoula High, he dreamed of being a Marine and a law enforcement officer. He accomplished both with honor. Sticker was decorated for serving in Kuwait and Iraq during Operation Desert Storm, leading two dozen Marines into a combat area. Following his military service, Sticker began his law enforcement career.

As a father, grandfather, and Tangipahoa native, Gerald Sticker knows keeping your family safe is the top priority. As a law enforcement professional, Sticker is ready to put his experience, training, and passion to work for our community as Sheriff.

Gerald and his wife Tonia proudly share two sons, three daughters, and four grandchildren. A native of Bedico, the Stickers live in Hammond and have shared their faith with others, teaching Sunday School and leading youth groups.

Our population is booming. The reality is…more people means more crime. We deserve a Sheriff’s office ready to face that challenge.

— Gerald Sticker

"We need a sheriff with the experience and skills to fight back."

- Gerald Sticker


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