Preparing Tangipahoa for the Future

As Tangipahoa’s population continues to boom, Gerald Sticker knows we deserve a Sheriff’s office that’s ready to face that challenge. Sticker will serve the people of the Parish with a forward-looking department defined by service, professionalism, respect and most importantly…keeping your family safe.

Protect Schools and Youth

Make schools safer by employing a School Resource Officer (SRO) at every school.

Reduce Juvenile Crime by working with community partners to employ early education and intervention programs, while imposing strict enforcement on serious offenders, and hold parents/guardians accountable.

Increase Training and Support

Mental Health Training for all TPSO staff and create a Mental Health Task Force. Our parish and region possess too many mental health organizations and healthcare professionals that TPSO can partner with, for this issue not to be addressed properly.

Provide Deputies with the necessary training, support and equipment they deserve, to better serve our citizens.

Combat Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking, whether it is local runaways, foster children that “fall through the cracks,” or organized rings that utilize our I-12 & I-55 corridors, TPSO Juvenile Detectives will be trained and equipped to combat this evil.

Improve Departmental Operations

Implement a Community Policing Culture. Every employee is an ambassador for TPSO!

Full review of department procedures to ensure TPSO is following “best practices.” 

Full Financial Audit to claw back all funds that are not “mission critical” to increase deputies’ pay.

Full audit and proper storage of physical evidence.

Implement a quality control and case management program that thoroughly reviews investigative reports to ensure reports and investigations are done in a timely fashion, that they are error free, and that all associated items (statements, warrants, etc.) are attached so our district attorney’s office is given a prosecutable case electronically. This will be a paper free program with the exception of physical evidence.  

Ensure report writing software is adequate, capable of gathering necessary data on arrests and citations to track crime “hot spots” to better target crime. 

Staffing and Response Time

Increase the number of deputies on the streets. Just having a visual presence alone, can deter crime.

Decrease response times on 911 calls. Waiting in an emergency or being told there is no one to send, is unacceptable!  

Recruit more Reserve Sheriff’s Deputies to augment their full time counterparts. These will be men and women of their own communities, to help man substations in rural areas who can recognize when “something is out of place” in their community.

Drugs and Gang Activity

Go to war on the drug and opioid crisis and gangs. Every resource will be brought to bear, partnering with local, state and federal authorities to run offenders out of this parish. I have standing relationships with all of these agencies.


Work with the parish government to address the jail crisis. Injuries and deaths of inmates, and injuries to staff are inexcusable! Substandard living conditions, employee shortages and below poverty level pay for corrections deputies, all contribute to the liability that squarely falls on the sheriff. “Failure is not an option.”

Protecting Seniors

Protect our senior citizens from scams while educating families on how to spot signs of physical and emotional abuse.

Partnering with Churches

Bring in faith-based leadership teams to work with our deputies. I will partner with local churches to build an active ministry that can meet the spiritual needs of officers and inmates alike.

Securing Resources

Make the most of state and federal funding opportunities. I plan to hire a full-time grant writer so our deputies can utilize every dollar allocated to them to make Tangipahoa a safer parish.